It's getting real.
We have less than a month left before we are walking away from Springer Mountain heading the 2,185.9 miles to Katahdin. What?!
We decided to do this three years ago. It's been 3 years. It was hard to believe that this time would ever come, and I must admit, I'm getting quite anxious. Both in a good way and a bad way. I know that once we step foot onto the trail that life is going to get crazy awesome. We also have a seemingly ton of stuff to do before we leave! I'm not just talking about trail prep either.
Since getting out of the Air Force and moving back to Texas, we have been busier than we have been in years. 6 years away from family and friends tends to make you a big target for time consumption. Somehow, the fact that we don't have jobs now just seems to mean that we "have unlimited free time". Yes, "free" time. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with all of my family and friends, I'm just not used to it (all the time). I've also committed myself to helping with different projects before the trail.. I was under the impression that when I got out of the military that I would get bored from the lack of stuff to do. I was wrong, really wrong.
I've helped complete a garage, cut down trees/chop wood, many other various tasks, and I'm still currently working on refurbishing my Mom's house to be sold right after we leave. This is by far the biggest project.
It's been tough stepping back into my old life as a new person. It will be nice to be out in the wild for a spell. The short trips have done well to remind me of my new freedoms. It don't have to ask permission to travel, and I have no one to answer to besides Jacki, and it's more like conspiring anyway.
As for trail preparation, I'm pretty sure we're mostly set to go. Time will tell, and so will the trail itself. We'll see what's what in a couple of weeks.
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